
Head to Creasey Mahan Nature Preserve for the 16th Annual Great Backyard Bird Count! This event is hosted by The Louisville Audubon Society and Creasey Mahan Nature Preserve and is for beginning to advanced bird watchers of all ages. Participants meet at the picnic pavilions...

Visit Creasey Mahan Nature Preserve for a frog hunt! On this hike, Naturalist Jacob Crider you will venture to the woodland garden and frog pond to search for frogs, salamanders, turtles, and other aquatic creatures! Wear comfortable shoes for walking on uneven ground. Difficulty is easy...

Meet at the Picnic Pavilions behind the Nature Center at Creasey Mahan where naturalist Jacob Crider will lead participants on a spring kickoff hike! He is hoping for warmer weather so participants can search for deer, birds, turtles, lizards, frogs, salamanders, snakes, trees, wildflowers, butterflies,...

Meet at the Picnic Pavilions behind the Nature Center at Creasey Mahan where naturalist Jacob Crider will teach participants about the biomes and habitats of Kentucky, the ecoregion, and physiographic regions of KY, KY rock and soil types, geomorphology, and the formation of springs, streams,...

Meet at the Picnic Pavilions behind the Nature Center at Creasey Mahan where naturalist Jacob Crider will teach participants about the biomes and habitats of Kentucky, the ecoregion and physiographic regions of KY, KY rock and soil types, geomorphology, and the formation of springs, streams,...

Meet at the Picnic Pavilions behind the Nature Center at Creasey Mahan where naturalist Jacob Crider will lead participants on a winter birding walk to explore the Little Huckleberry Creek trail corridor in search of yellow-bellied sapsuckers, golden-crowned kinglets, nuthatches, and brown creepers. Find year-round...

Meet at the Picnic Pavilions behind the Nature Center at Creasey Mahan where naturalist Jacob Crider will lead participants on a winter birding walk to explore the Little Huckleberry Creek trail corridor in search of yellow-bellied sapsuckers, golden-crowned kinglets, nuthatches, and brown creepers. Find year-round...

Meet at the Picnic Pavilions behind the Nature Center at Creasey Mahan where naturalist Jacob Crider will lead participants on a winter birding walk to explore the Little Huckleberry Creek trail corridor in search of yellow-bellied sapsuckers, golden-crowned kinglets, nuthatches, and brown creepers. Find year-round...